The general advantage of treatment with folk remedies, subject to compliance with the recipe and dosage, is a small percentage of side effects for the body, the possibility of home treatment. In addition, folk methods have a positive effect on the functioning of other organs.
They are particularly effective in sexual dysfunctions caused by psychogenic causes: stress, nervous exhaustion.
folk methods

Injuries against the background of nervous and physical stress, as well as general weakness of the body, can be cured by folk methods using various herbs:
- The life-giving power of ginseng root. A decoction is being prepared. 100 grams of crushed root is poured with boiling water. You don't need to cook. Everything stays for 2 days. After this time, the infusion is lit and boiled for 3. 5 hours. Add half a liter of honey and cook for another half hour. Then pour 10 grams of cinnamon and turn off. Take a quarter cup three times a day.
- Schisandra chinensis. Its strength is believed to be less, but it is also effective. With the ability to tone the body, it helps increase muscle strength and restore potency. It is recommended for the treatment of diseases of the digestive tract. Its seeds and berries are used to enhance potency. Alcohol tincture is applied 20-30 drops four times a day. To prepare a decoction, a tablespoon of berries should be poured with a glass of boiling water and left to cool slowly for several hours. You can use a thermos for this or wrap the container in a warm cloth for a couple of hours. Apply a few tablespoons four times a day before meals.
- Maral root. In addition to the fact that it increases tone in the male genital area, it increases mental and physical performance, resistance to stress. To prepare the infusion, you need to grind the root as much as possible in the amount of 100 grams, pour it with vodka and leave for 45 days. After this time, you can take it 10 drops a quarter of an hour before meals. Gradually bring the amount to a spoon. Due to its strengthening and stimulating effects, it is not recommended to use it less than 5 hours before bedtime.
- fenugreek. Its effect corresponds to that of lemongrass. The seeds of the plant are boiled for half an hour. Then add a spoonful of honey to a jar of seeds and mix. After that, the resulting mixture must be transferred to gauze and drained as much as possible. Then dry, grind in a coffee grinder to a powder state. An infusion of asparagus seeds is prepared separately. 12-15 seeds are needed. They are steamed in a thermos and pour a glass of boiling water. Use this composition as follows: on top, half a teaspoon of prepared fenugreek powder is washed down with a quarter cup infusion of asparagus seeds.
- White-flowered bottle gourd. Local prescriptions are recommended for male sexual dysfunction, infertility, neurosis against the background of sexual disorders. To prepare a medicinal drink, you need to prepare a mixture of wine and milk for half a liter, 4 tbsp. spoons of dried herbs. Boil everything. Turn off and set aside. It takes about an hour to infuse this drug. Then strain and use. It is recommended to consume a quarter of a regular glass three times a day.
Increased excitability and imminent ejaculation

Rapid ejaculation with increased arousal is also a problem. But you can try to get rid of such a disease using herbs. In such cases, it is recommended to use folk remedies that have a calming effect on a person's nervous state and increase their potency.
- hop cones. They are also called hop seedlings. It is very important to assemble them correctly. Then we can expect from them the effect of restoring male power. It is necessary to wait for the time when they will become golden and dense. Then they start smelling specifically. They are needed along with their tribe. This makes them easier to dry. Cones should be dried in a shaded place with ventilation. 100 gr. cones need to pour 500 ml of boiling water, and then wrap the container for an hour. A thermos is good for this. Then you need to strain and drink half a glass twice a day. That's enough. If the dose is exceeded, nausea, severe fatigue are possible.
- Yellow capsule. It is recommended when there is no sexual desire. The plant also has an anti-inflammatory effect. Therefore, it is also prescribed for inflammatory pathologies of the male urinary system. Interestingly, the funds from its fruits are used exclusively as a sleep aid. For cooking you will need a jar of chopped rhizomes. It is necessary to fill them with a glass of vodka. Then leave in a dark place for two weeks. Then strain and add 350 ml of vodka. You need to use this tincture three times a day, 10 drops. The weekly dosage increases by 10 drops. The course lasts one month. Drink the tincture with a sip of water. Carefully! The raw roots of this plant are poisonous.
- lovage. The roots of this plant normalize the timing of ejaculation, optimize blood supply to the pelvic organs and have a beneficial effect on cardiac activity. In addition, they have a diuretic effect. Eliminates the effect of nicotine and alcohol intoxication on the amount of male sex hormones. Increases their synthesis. For cooking, fresh roots are dug up and thoroughly washed. It is also used in dried form. Better to use fresh. 100 gr. crushed, infused with alcohol (350 ml with a strength of at least 60%). Leave in the dark for 2 weeks. Use one tablespoon three times a day. Drink the tincture slowly. Try to get it liberally on the oral mucosa.
Restoring blood flow to organs with aloe juice
Impaired blood circulation can be the reason why a man has lost his strength. The following workarounds will work to fix the issue.
Aloe juice is recommended as a general tonic as well as a drug to enhance sexual function. You can use a homemade tincture or buy a ready-made version at a pharmacy. Among all folk remedies, aloe is one step higher. Aloe's healing properties have been proven by medical research. Therefore, this plant is grown and used on an industrial scale.
It has some very valuable features. For example, it is able to synthesize and accumulate biologically active substances aimed at cell regeneration and their maintenance. This property begins to be realized when the cut leaves begin to dry out. Therefore, when preparing healing potions from aloe at home, it is recommended to wrap the cut leaves in paper. Definitely not in cellophane. Because you have to leave the access of oxygen. All you have to do is put them on the bottom shelf by the fridge door and leave them like that for a week. After this time, they are used to extract juice.
To do this, you need to use the densest and largest leaves.
This recipe is recommended to increase potency, improve microcirculation and prevent congestion, as well as for anti-inflammatory purposes. You will need red wine (usually Cahors is used) 400 ml, 150 g of juice from aloe leaves, 300 g of honey. All this must be mixed and kept in a dark place for a week. Use the remedy three times a day for one spoon before meals.
It's easier to buy a tincture at a pharmacy and drink it in a spoon three times a day.
There is also a delicious recipe. Ingredients:
- 100 gr. juice;
- 400 gr. honey;
- 600 gr. walnuts.
Everything is mixed in a spoon three times a day before meals and consumed.